"Nobody will ever win the Battle of the Sexes. There's just too much fraternizing with the enemy." (Henry Kissinger)
My 'sermon' for today is going to be on sexism.
I'm surprised it has taken me so long to rant about this
particular issue. It gets discussed practically once a day in my friendship
group and it's one of those important ones. Naturally, I've got a lot to say on
it. I like a good argument.
I would consider myself a feminist. I believe firmly in
equality of the sexes and so on. I think a person is odd not to. That is what a
feminist is - someone who thinks women are equal to men and should not be
discriminated against in any aspect of life. That's it. They don't think men
suck and should die. Nor are they all 'butch lesbians'..
There's a lot of hate for feminism now. Girls think it's
outdated and not cool. It is still highly relevant. This year is the first where
there's been a female athlete representing every country featured in the
Olympics. How bad is that?
Times have changed a little though. There's a difference
between being equal and being annoying. It gets on my nerves when women are
sexists against guys and moan about sexism against them. It shouldn't work like
I want to exercise a bit of logic. At work, if we need to
lug a whole load of boxes around, I tend to delegate to the lad I work with who
does kickboxing and works out, rather than struggle with it myself out of a
misplaced sense of equality. I like it when a guy offers to walk me home or
buys me dinner. It is a nice (and apparently rare) gesture. Equally I will make
my boyfriend a sandwich - sometimes just
because I love him, sometimes as it's one of those gestures I can use to trade
for stuff I want. Sexism can be used to your advantage.
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