Friday, 1 June 2012

All Work and No Play

"All work and no play makes blog posts rather boring"

The thing I am looking forward to more than anything about the end of exams is the chance to read a book. Any book. As long as it's a book that is not Arrian's Campaigns of Alexander or WL Warren's Henry II. I am craving some chicklit. I don't even like chicklit but right now I would rather read Mills and Boon than anything about historical things. I used to read history books for fun but there's nothing like a couple of months of exams to make you momentarily sick of the sight of them. 

On second thoughts, I need a day of Terry Pratchett. That man can cheer me up whatever else is happening. As far as escapism goes, you can't escape much further than Discworld, where the world is flat, held up by four elephants, who all stand on the back of a giant turtle which swims through space. His writing is hilariously funny - but not cruel funny - there's a real warmth to it which makes you feel all fuzzy and glad to be alive after reading. They also have some of the best quotes. "It's vital to remember who you really are. It's very important. It isn't a good idea to rely on other people or things to do it for you, you see. They always get it wrong." Pratchett doesn't just pretend to be profound, he means what he says and is truly unique, which is hard to find. "There are those who say that sherry should not be drunk early in the morning. They are wrong." I consider these lessons to live by. So if you get some free time, I recommend you read some Terry Pratchett.

You have no idea how glad I will be when I can ritually recycle my revision notes and just sit in the garden with a book and a nice cool drink during the summer. I'll have time to blog some more too. For those who thought they were rid of me, I apologise. I haven't gone away.        


  1. I just cannot get into terry pratchett

  2. I thought that about The Colour of Magic (discworld number 1) and still find it a bit odd but then I read some of the later ones like Going Postal and loved them. :)
