I would like to consider myself a relatively intelligent person
and not uncommonly gullible. However, I have a shameful habit which it pains me
to admit. I am badly taken in by cosmetic products. I don't mean make-up
really. I tend to not go in for make-up much as I dislike the slavish following
it has and would hate to wear it just to conform, although I would defend my
right to indulge in it if I choose as much as any woman. I resent the amount of
time wasted in putting it on. There is nothing more annoying than putting on
nail varnish and then wanting to do basically anything with your hands for about half an hour after.
By cosmetic products, I mean things like lotions and creams and butters and
polishes and softeners and cleansers and scrubs and moisturisers and balms and bath
bombs and bath salts and bath melts and bath oils and..
You get the picture.
This is depressingly stereotypical of me but I can't help this
fact. I have a worrying penchant for body butter. At the moment I have a pot of
apple body butter, vanilla body butter, honeysuckle body butter, lavender body
butter and shea nut body butter. I'm not sure of the actual scientific merit
of them but I love the way my skin feels after putting some on. My skin is all
smooth, and happy, and smells good. Apart from once, when someone told me I
smelt of cake after smearing on vanilla and coconut butter. But that is beside
the point.
I'm also annoyingly attracted to pretty packaging. Although aware
that I am most likely being targeted and conned into buying a product, I find
it impossible to resist. A little while ago I went into Boots, with no
intention of buying anything, but came across a particular brand of bath and
beauty stuffs called Soap and Glory. Their products include: 'Sexy Mother
Pucker' lip gloss, 'Scrub 'em and Leave 'em' body scrubber and 'Off your Face'
face cleansing cloths. I basically brought something because the packaging was so impressive.
Lush is the same. (If I'm going to advertise for cosmetic companies, I thought
I should mention more than one so no one calls me biased.) Lush bath bombs
are my absolute favourite and the Immaculate Eggception is the best name for an
Easter themed product that I've come across. My third favourite is Bomb
Cosmetics, who's Mint Chocolate Chip Shower Butter I am sadly about to run out
I used to think I was an intelligent, free-thinking woman but based
on this obsession with bath stuffs and appealing packaging, I fear I am just
one of the sheep. To be honest though, I don't regret it. There is nothing more
pleasurable and calming than a long bath with lots of bubbles, followed by a
little body scrub and maybe some body polish. So, if anyone ever wonders what
to get me for my birthday, look no further than the pictures below.