Monday, 16 April 2012

Reality is a Thing of the Past

"Reality is a thing of the past" (The Matrix)

The cinema is one of my favourite places. I don't go there as often as I would like as it is pretty pricey but there is nothing quite like a cinema experience. Despite the way your feet stick to the floor in my local cinema, courtesy of spilled popcorn, fizzy drinks and God knows what else, the atmosphere is special. I love movies and prefer to see them write large and as loud as possible.

My pet hate is people who ruin your viewing experience. I sometimes have a quiet comment or a giggle with my friends in the cinema, as we all have a bit of a passion for films and like to make regular trips there together (one of my best friends would like to director movies - you can read her blog here if you like:, but that is somewhat different to a constant rustling of packets of snacks, or loudly laughing during inappropriate parts of a film, or getting up to go to the toilet during a poignant death scene! I am not a violent person but I practically punched that person in the back of the head as they stood up in front of me. Seriously, can't you hold it at least until the kid has died? Why can't people not pee for a couple of hours? Do they have a bladder problem?  

On the subject of 3D films, I think it is entirely overrated. I actually feel it detracts from the film I'm watching as it is slightly distracting and, especially with real people, it doesn't look quite right - it doesn't look real. I understand how impressive it can be and believe it can be used to good effect but more in animated or CGI type films. It has become a money making and advertising feature as all the new blockbusters come out in 3D too, even if they don't need to in the slightest. They even bring out old films in it and I can't help feel they are just looking to make more money. It's an excuse to hike up the prices and charge you for glasses too. Those glasses are uncomfortable. I have a small head and actually have to hold them on my face at times as they slip off. Until they successfully work out how to do holograms to create real 3D films, I'll stick to regular 2D.

I am an avid reader and dread and adore in equal measures the thought of a book I like being made into a movie. Sometimes a book can be destroyed by the movie - for example Northern Lights, which became the Golden Compass. What had been a deep and thought provoking book was made into a children's adventure, where they made the loss of a daemon seem like misplacing a pet rather than being separated from your soul. More positively, I will admit that The Lord of the Rings was a mind-blowing adaptation and Harry Potter mainly didn't disappoint (apart from The Half-Blood Prince). Recently they made a movie of The Hunger Games and it was one of very few times where things they added actually improved my enjoyment of the film rather than lessened it. I admit I can be quite hard to please at times.

My favourite films are a slightly random bunch. My greatest favourite is Pirates of the Caribbean - not so much the sequels - the first film I adore and feel was just perfect on its own. My childhood favourites are Mulan and The Road to Eldorado. Despite my tender age when Mulan came out, I wanted to see it so much that my mother was forced to drive to Brighton (it wasn't on where I lived at that point) so I could see it. Some random movies you might not know but that I would highly recommend are Galaxy Quest, The Princess Bride and Willow.

The next film on my must see list is Tim Burton's Dark Shadows. I shamelessly admit, when it comes to anything featuring Johnny Depp, I become a bit of a fangirl...  

1 comment:

  1. You should also try Serenity (film based on tv series Firefly written by the same guy who wrote Buffy, Angel etc), Frequency (time travel, changing history)and for a slushy one The Proposal with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds is pretty cool. I love the Pirates of the Caribbean films too and most things with Johnny Depp in. Not a big fan of Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise but did like Mr & Mrs Smith and Jerry Maguire, and Top Gun! Glad you enjoyed Hunger Games. :o)
