"Don't think too much - you'll create a problem that wasn't even there in the first place.."
I worry too much. This is why you will often find me in
tears on the eve of exams or stressing out over the more mundane aspects of my
life. I find it hard to make decisions at times as I don't want to make a
mistake. My most recent life choice was picking my university. I wonder if I picked
the right one. I think how if I had gone to a different university, I would have
met a whole different group of people and what if I'm just missing out on what
could be a future close friend, or a boyfriend, because I picked the wrong
university? The littlest thing can make a massive difference to your life. I am
not good at just going with the flow.
I also think my expectations of everything (and everyone)
are too high. I read too many fantasy books in my childhood for normal life to
ever quite please me. Sometimes I wonder if it's my expectations that are wrong though,
or if I just haven't found the right people to meet them. Often I expect too
much from myself as well. I agonise over things I've done a long time after the
other person has probably forgotten about it. I over-analyse and overcomplicate.
These are, I would say, my greatest faults. If I just chilled out a bit, I
think I'd be happier. This is easier said than done.
My greatest hobby is writing fiction and I think it is from
this that stems my ridiculous urge to order my life. I wish everything could be
as clear cut as a novel, where every symbol has meaning and you can stick in a little
pathetic fallacy to make sure every element is in concurrence with what's going
on. Unfortunately, life isn't like that.
Nobody and nothing is perfect and I need to remember this
more often. I sometimes overlook positive things, when stressing on the
negative. Generally, I have a disgustingly easy and happy life. Although at
times this lead me to stress that I will squander the good things I have. I have
a close family, good friends, a boyfriend, a job, a decent house, I am healthy,
not unattractive, not stupid, and am looking forward to an almost certain entry
to university to study something I love. I would have to work hard to not get
in, I think. Nothing is ever quite certain though and this again stresses me
out. In some ways, life's capriciousness is exciting, but I defend my right to
dislike it if I want.
I do not believe in fate or destiny. I do believe that the
universe is not out to get me though, so I hope if I work at it and have a little
bit of luck, I can get through life without messing it up too much. Although I
worry so much, I never feel that a situation is irredeemable so I hope I
haven't depressed anyone with this entry. I know I am very silly. We should all
try to take things less seriously. It's never as bad as you think.
ReplyDeleteI take life way too un-seriously and I think that makes me ignorant of what I should be paying attention to like trying harder in my exams and getting a job etc.
i need to wake up and smell the bacon!!
Maybe we could trade some serious for un-serious and we'd get along just fine haha
You shouldn't see them as faults. We love you with them and you wouldn't be you without them. I wouldn't like the Catriona that didn't worry XD I agree with the expectations made by fantasies. Even with the wars/problems/disturbances they still seem to paint a better life that is un-achievable in this world (damn hunger games lol). Someone in a programme described fairytales (fantasies apply) as giving people hope in bad times. So I say just think about the good side of uncertainty. You are more than likely going to end up in a job you like, surrounded by people you love and that outweighs the bad side :D
ReplyDeleteAw, thank you, ladies. :) *Hugs*